Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 30)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 30)

Ezekiel 36-37 – The Return And Renewal Of Israel

Sitting as captives in Babylon wouldn’t have been a fun experience for Israel. In fact it may have felt like all hope was lost for God fulfilling His promises. But we turn a corner now in our study through Ezekiel and begin to see what God has in store for His people. He’s not done with Israel yet!

Numbers 20-36

The nation of Israel had much to learn and God desired to grow the faith and maturity of this new generation ready to enter the Promised Land. Tonight we look at some of the tests they faced and how they progressed on their way to Canaan.

2 Chronicles 36 – The Fall Of Jerusalem

Our study in 2 Chronicles comes to an end with the steady decline of the spiritual condition of Judah. They eventually are defeated and taken captive to Babylon. But the book ends with great hope! God is not done with Israel and He’s not done with any of us!

Numbers 1-19

In the book of Numbers we look at the Wilderness Wanderings of the Israelites. Getting to the Promised Land was to be no big deal, but because of their whining and grumbling it took a much more detrimental turn. This book is packed with lessons and insights that are applicable to us as we seek to follow God in this life of faith.

Leviticus 1-27

The book of Leviticus has been avoided by many because it seems like such a weird book. But when you begin to see why everything is there, you begin to see the blessing of this book. God gives instructions for how His people can approach Him and enjoy fellowship with Him.

Exodus 19-40

In this next bible scan, we finish up the book of Exodus and look at the giving of the law and the way that God established for His people to meet with Him.

Exodus 1-18

We dive into the book of Exodus and look at this great theme of Redemption and Deliverance. God brings Israel out of bondage in Egypt, and He does the same for us – delivering us from the bondage of sin. It’s what God is all about!

Genesis 12-50

We continue our journey through God’s Word as we fly over four key people in the plan of God. They are all instrumental in the beginning of the nation Israel, the nation God will use to bring a Saviour to the world.

2 Chronicles 29:31-30:27 – Passover Protocol

We see the continued reforms by Hezekiah as he sends out word throughout all Israel to join together to celebrate the Passover for the first time in a long time. It makes a great difference when we remember the work of God in our lives and take time to worship Him.