Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 31)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 31)

Genesis 1-11

In this new series we’re going to cruise through God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation at a rapid rate, looking at things from an aerial view to get the big picture. We’ll look at key themes, key events, and key people to see the overarching plan of redemption interwoven through all of Scripture. Tonight we start in the beginning and see the foundations laid for all that follows.

Psalms 140-141 – Praying For Protection

As much as David was a likeable guy, not everyone was for him. He had his experience with enemies and difficulty. And as we see in these chapters, instead of fighting against his enemies, David takes it to the Lord. David knows the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted.

Psalm 139 – The Wonder Of God

We are fearfully and wonderfully made David proclaims, this his soul knows very well. How about us? Do we comprehend the wonder of God through the life He’s given us? Are we aware of the work of God all around us? May this Psalm help you to see the wonder of God.

Psalms 136-138 – Singing Songs Of Sorrow Or Praise

We see in Psalms 136 and 138 a call to praise God and a reminder why we should do so. Sandwiched between these Psalms is a Psalm detailing a time when the Jews had no song to sing, when they sat in captivity in Babylon. It’s a picture of the results of sin. It will rob us of a song to sing.

2 Chronicles 28 – A Nation Exalted Or Expired?

Solomon said that righteousness exalts a nation. But we look at the reverse of that in this chapter as we see the wickedness of king Ahaz and the effect of that in Judah. We discuss how that parallels with our nation and how we are to respond.

2 Chronicles 26-27 – Uzziah’s Pride

King Uzziah begins well in his reign, but soon began to think he was the reason for his success. He became prideful and overstepped his boundaries. And the Lord had to deal with Him by some interesting means. It’s a reminder for us that God is our strength, and He should get all the glory for all we do.

Ezekiel 32-35 – The Word And The Watchman

Ezekiel continues to prophecy against the nations around Israel who were feeling strong and secure. But because of their pride, God will humble them. And God reminds Ezekiel that his role is to be a watchman, warning people repent and turn to the Lord and experience His grace.