Sermons from July 2018

Sermons from July 2018

Psalm 139 – The Wonder Of God

We are fearfully and wonderfully made David proclaims, this his soul knows very well. How about us? Do we comprehend the wonder of God through the life He’s given us? Are we aware of the work of God all around us? May this Psalm help you to see the wonder of God.

Psalms 136-138 – Singing Songs Of Sorrow Or Praise

We see in Psalms 136 and 138 a call to praise God and a reminder why we should do so. Sandwiched between these Psalms is a Psalm detailing a time when the Jews had no song to sing, when they sat in captivity in Babylon. It’s a picture of the results of sin. It will rob us of a song to sing.

2 Chronicles 28 – A Nation Exalted Or Expired?

Solomon said that righteousness exalts a nation. But we look at the reverse of that in this chapter as we see the wickedness of king Ahaz and the effect of that in Judah. We discuss how that parallels with our nation and how we are to respond.