Sermons from November 2024
Brent Smith: Marriage, Divorce and Singleness | Matthew 19:1-12
God has clearly laid out the design and purpose of marriage, and our goal is to live this purpose out to His praise and glory.
Brent Smith: The Rise and Fall of Samson | Judges 13-14
Samson was a judge that showed great strength physically yet showed great weakness spiritually. He stands as a fitting picture of Israel as a whole.
Brent Smith: Dealing With Sin In The Church Properly | Matthew 18:15-35
Believers must be ready to confront sin, doing so with a desire for restoration, and a readiness to forgive.
Brent Smith: Measuring Greatness | Matthew 18:1-14
Greatness in the kingdom of God is measured by childlike humility, a desire to root out sin, and a concern for the salvation of others.
Randy Dyck: Jephthah: An Unlikely Hero of the Faith | Judges 11-12
Jephthah is a seemingly unlikely candidate to become the leader of Israel. God loves to use the most unlikely, most unqualified people to accomplish His will.