Acts (Page 2)

Acts (Page 2)

Second Mission Trip

Paul and Silas head out on the second recorded missionary journey in the book of Acts. And God brings along some new companions, new converts, and new challenges. But through it all, Paul and Silas continue on praising God for all things. He is good and never fails! Bible Text: Acts 16:1-40

Hold Fast: The Jerusalem Council

A crucial moment came for the early church when certain men came up to Antioch to challenge the Gentile believers and promote the idea that these Gentiles needed to convert to Judaism to be saved. It would undue everything that Jesus has already done. So the leaders of the church met in Jerusalem to decide what should be done. Praise the Lord that they held fast to grace! Bible Text: Acts 15:1-41

First Mission Trip Completed

Paul and Barnabas continue on their mission trip with great perseverance, even undergoing a near death experience. But their love for people and desire to share the gospel wins out. They return back to Antioch (the sending church) with a great report of all that God has done. Bible Text: Acts 13:42-14:28

First Mission Trip

Paul and Barnabas are sent out by the church at Antioch to go and preach the gospel to areas that have not yet heard. And not only do we see the first mission trip in this chapter, but we see the first recorded sermon of Paul. Listen in to see what God has in store. Bible Text: Acts 13:1-41

God’s Purposes Prevail

How do you handle a crisis? How do you deal with trials? Acts 12 brings us to another crisis in the church as Herod begins to harass the church, even putting James to death and Peter in prison. How would you respond to that? Take a look with us as we unwrap this situation and learn some important truths. Bibel Text: Acts 12:1-25

Grace-full Christians

Some of the Jewish believers weren’t to happy about what took place with Peter in Acts 10. But it gave Peter an opportunity to retell the important event where God opened up the Gospel to all people! God’s grace is huge. And we should be living it out in a tangible way. Bibel Text: Acts 11:1-30

A Vision That Changed The World

The Lord prepares both Peter and Cornelius for something monumental – the good news going to an entire group of people outside of Israel. This paved the way now for the Gospel to reach to the ends of the earth. It’s a pivotal point in history where we see Jews and Gentiles being incorporated together as one through faith in Jesus Christ! Bibel Text: Acts 10:1-48

Paul & Peter – Men on Mission!

After getting saved Paul is prepared for service. Though he would face obstacles, he presses on in all that God has for him. Peter also is prepared for service. The Lord moves him along in ministry and positions him in a place where the Gospel will about to be launched to an entire group of people that were otherwise written off – the Gentiles. Bibel Text: Acts 9:20-43

Jesus Changes Lives

Two people from very different backgrounds are introduced to Jesus. The results however are the same – changed lives! There is power in the gospel unto salvation. Bibel Text: Acts 8:26-9:19

The Gospel Goes To Samaria

As the church is established in Jerusalem, persecution sets in. But it’s all according to God’s plan as it’s what was needed to get the church on the move. Sometimes the Lord allows things to shake us up, but it’s so we don’t get too settled in our ways. When you feel shaken, look to see what God wants to do through it. Today’s study shows that God indeed had great things in store through this time of trial. Bibel Text: Acts 8:1-25

Stephen’s History Lesson – part 2

Stephen becomes the first martyr of the church as he lays out a masterful presentation of Israel’s history of rebellion and disobedience. His audience had no argument, so they resort to physical violence and murder. But Stephen was received graciously into eternity and glory. Bible Text: Acts 7:30-60

Stephen’s History Lesson – part 1

Stephen is accused of speaking against Moses, the temple, and their law. But Stephen takes his opponents through a masterful walk through their history to show that God is not exclusive to working in their temple or even their own land. And in so doing he reveals that their own fathers had a habit of rejecting those God sent to carry out His work. The very thing his detractors had done with Jesus. Bible Text: Acts 7:1-29