Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 45)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 45)

Revelation Slide

I Am Coming Quickly

In Revelation 22, Jesus says that He is coming back, and He is coming quickly. In fact it’s repeated 3 times. It’s an important truth to hold on to in this day we live. Are we ready and waiting? What He has prepared is going to be so worth it! Bible Text: Revelation 22:8-21
Revelation Slide

Down By The Riverside

John continues his tour around heaven and we continue to be amazed at the blessings that await us. A pure river and a tree of life is there, plus being before the throne of God and seeing Him face to face! May we continue to be excited at the prospects of heaven! Bible Text: Revelation 21:1-7
Revelation Slide

Heaven Is Surreal

We know there’s a heaven, the Bible says so! But what is it going to be like? As we go through Revelation 21 we see some descriptions that help paint the picture for us. But at best, all we can determine is it’s going to be so much better than we can ever imagine! Bible Text: Revelation 21:9-27
Revelation Slide

All Things New

God has some exciting things in store for the eternal state. He’s going to make all things new including a new heaven and a new earth. But the greatest thing about heaven will be God dwelling with us! Our study in Revelation 21 takes a closer look at what the Bible says about heaven. Bible Text: Revelation 21:1-18
Revelation Slide

The Millennial Reign of Christ

A look at the Millennial Reign of Christ. A glorious time when Jesus will reign for a 1,000 years literally and physically on this very earth. It will be a time of peace and righteousness and the answer to our prayer, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done…” Bible Text: Revelation 20:1-15
Jeremiah Study

The Word, The Wise, The Weak

Jeremiah shares the Word of God among some wise, and some weak people. How do we handle and respond to the Word of God? Bible Text: Jeremiah 36-38
Revelation Slide

Here Comes The Boom!

When you think of Jesus, what picture do you have? We seldom picture Jesus as a conquering King. Well, in this study we see the return of the True King, the King of kings and Lord of lords who rules over all. Bible Text: Revelation 19:11-21
Revelation Slide

Here Comes The Bridegroom!

In Revelation 19 we move out of the judgment we’ve been seeing during the Tribulation, and enter into that home stretch. Jesus is about to come back to the earth which means the marriage supper of the Lamb is about to commence. Today we focus on this praise in heaven as the wedding feast between Jesus, the bridegroom, and the church, His bride, is about to begin! Bible Text: Revelation 19:1-10
Revelation Slide

Where Is Your Treasure?

Revelation 18 looks at the judgment and demise of commercial and economic Babylon. It’s a view into the worlds system that’s fixed on materialism. And all of it collapsed within an hour. It leaves us with the question of what are we living for and where are we placing our treasure? Bible Text: Revelation 18:1-24
Jeremiah Study

Promise Breakers and Keepers

In chapter 34 we take a look at a covenant that the people of Judah were not upholding. It displayed their disobedience to Gods Word. In chapter 35 we’re given a great contrast of a group of people who were faithful to carry out a command given them. The people of Israel were without excuse. There is great blessing in being a promise keeper rather than a promise breaker! Bible Text: Jeremiah 34-35
Revelation Slide

Mystery Explained

Revelation 17-18 deals with the judgment of Babylon. Chapter 17 focuses on religious Babylon and Chapter 18 focuses on economic Babylon. Today we focus on the mystery of the harlot and the beast she is riding and seek to make sense of what this all means. Bible Text: Revelation 17:7-18
Revelation Slide

Babylon Revealed

Revelation 17-18 deals with the judgment of Babylon. Chapter 17 focuses on religious Babylon and Chapter 18 focuses on economic Babylon. Today we focus on the origins of Babylon, the false religious system, and look at the reasons for it’s judgment. Bible Text: Revelation 17:1-6