Sermons on Prayer (Page 2)

Sermons on Prayer (Page 2)

Acts 27 – Staying Safe In Storms

Paul is on his way to Rome, but this is no Mediterranean cruise. There’s some rough waters that Paul and the crew must navigate. But in this we see that God is ultimately in control. God will bring them to safety – but the key is to stay in the ship. Bible Text: Acts 27:1-44

Patience, Praise and Prospering

In these three Psalms we look at our impatience and God’s perfect timing. Our need to finish well and live for the glory of God alone. And how we have a great hope in Jesus, our coming Prince of Peace who rules well. Bible Text: Psalms 70-72

The Priority Of Praise

Do you willingly choose to praise the Lord each day? This is something we were made to do. And we see the benefit of, and purpose of praise as we go through these Psalms. Bibel Text: Psalms 66-67

Stephen’s History Lesson – part 2

Stephen becomes the first martyr of the church as he lays out a masterful presentation of Israel’s history of rebellion and disobedience. His audience had no argument, so they resort to physical violence and murder. But Stephen was received graciously into eternity and glory. Bible Text: Acts 7:30-60

Persecution, Prayer, and Power

As the church continues to go out with the gospel, opposition begins to set in. Take a look at how Peter, John and the church handle this onset of persecution. Bible Text: Acts 4:1-31
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