Sermons from December 2024
Brent Smith: What Is Fair? | Matthew 20:1-19
This parable is given in response to, and in the context of, Peter’s question from Matthew 19:27: “…See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?”. In Peter’s question there appeared a wrong motive for service. This parable provides some answers for us now and explains the right attitude in service.
Brent Smith: Treasure In A Manger | Luke 2:19
Long after the visits, and adulations, Mary’s heart would remain full with what she has received. Many people had not yet comprehended the magnitude of this moment. Many had not yet realized this birth signified the revelation and salvation of God. But Mary’s heart was rich with what she had witnessed. What was it that Mary treasured up in her heart?
Stewart Karpiuk: The Word Became Flesh | John 1:14
The Word became flesh is the central truth of Christmas. Jesus humbled Himself by taking on human nature and lived among us. He saved mankind from sin through His atoning death on the cross. Do you believe in the Jesus of the Bible?
Brent Smith: Hindrances To Heaven | Matthew 19:23-30
Living for the pursuit of earthly treasures can be a hindrance to heaven, whereas living for the pursuit of Jesus brings riches eternally.
Brent Smith: The Rise and Fall of Samson Part 2 | Judges 15-16
We continue our study in the life of Samson. He’s an interesting study in contrasts. He had the power to subdue the Philistines, but he didn’t have the power to subdue the flesh. And we’ll see more of these things as we continue in the sad sordid saga of Samson.
Brent Smith: How To Have Eternal Life | Matthew 19:13-22
The way into the kingdom of heaven is open to all, but entrance in is a matter of the heart. Those with open hearts to receive Jesus are invited in, while those with obstructed hearts are hindered from receiving Him.