Sermons on Trials
It’s Just A Light Affliction | 2 Corinthians 4:13-18
Christians do not lose heart in the face of hardships. In light of eternity, they are but light and momentary troubles in comparison to the far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory in the life to come.
Genesis 44-45 – Trials and Transformation
Wednesday Night Series: The Book of Genesis
Genesis 36-37 – Esau’s Pursuit and Joseph’s Protection
Wednesday Night Series: The book of Genesis
Ephesians 6:13-24 – The Whole Armour of God
Sunday Morning Series: Letters From Prison
Matthew 5:1-12 – The Beatitudes
Sunday Morning Series: The Sermon On The Mount
1 Peter 4:8-19 – All For The Glory Of God
Sunday Morning Service going verse by verse through 1+2 Peter
1 Peter 1:6-12 – Strengthened In Trial
Sunday Morning Series going verse by verse through 1 & 2 Peter.
1 Peter 1:1-5 – Our Living Hope
Sunday Morning Series going verse by verse through 1 & 2 Peter.
John 15:18-16:4 – Handling The World’s Hatred
Sunday morning series going verse by verse through the Gospel of John.
John 9:1-41 – The Light Gives Sight
Sunday Morning Series going verse by verse through the Gospel of John
Job 38-39 – Where Were You
Job finally gets his audience with God, but it goes much different than what he had imagined. Instead of God bringing an answer as to the why’s of his suffering, God appears simply as the Answer. Job doesn’t get information about his situation, he gets a revelation of the greatness of God.
Bible Text: Job 38-39
Job 15-19 – Battling Through Adversity
Job continues to get an earful from his friends that was of no help or value to Job. These friends didn’t have the full picture of what God was doing and their judgment was off. But Job was able to look beyond that and know the hope that lay ahead. He had a Redeemer, and one day he would see God in the flesh! May this reality keep us persevering through the hard times.
Bible Text: Job 15-19
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